Evergreen Carrier in Accounting
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Evergreen Carrier in Accounting

What does Accounting means?

In simple words, we can say that

“Accounting is the process of keeping financial accounts. It estimates the Financial activities of an organization and forwards this information to a investors, creditors,debtors, management and regulators”.

The field of accounting is always remain in demanding as it is the backbone of every business & orgnasation. Accountant is needed in every business. It is one of the respected profession.

There are different types of accounting that includes cost accounting, financial accounting, management accounting, auditing and tax  accounting.

What does an Accountant do?

They prepares the financial statement of an organisation. Maintain financial records of an organization. They suggest the ways that reduce costs, increase profit and other revenue. They have the duty to ensure that all the taxes are paid on time.Secure financial activity.

Accounting job can vary from entry level to profession level. Accountant plays the very important role in any organisation. It is a very crucial part of an business, for managing payroll, auditing and financial management. Due to the individual requrments of different companies, the
demand of accountants is increasing. Eligible and experience candidates can find jobs in public, private or non-profit industries and organisation. You can opt for various career profiles such as Accounts Assit, Accountant, and accounts Accounts manager.

Courses & Programmes

How to Become an Professional accountant?…What are the courses required in becoming an Professional accountant ?

Minimum qualification of bachelor’s degree in accounting is required to start career as accountant. Starting a career in accounting and taxation, first step exist is to pursue an undergraduate degree in accounting. 

Diploma Course in Accounting & Taxation – 

Eligibility Criteria – For admission to undergraduate courses in accounting, minimum educational qualification is 12th passed with commerce subjects like Accounts, 

Skills Required for Accountant 

Communication Skill 

Analytic & Interpersonal skills 

Knowledge of accountancy software 

Strong in mathematics 

Understanding of accounting procedure

Jobs & Career Scope

Profession in accounting and taxation is one of the top career choices marked by the students of India. various options open for the candidates seeking career in  accounting and Taxation. The jobs of accountants exist in public as well as in private sector. If you are choosing your career to be an accountant and tax cunsultant then, the career options in this field are available in numbers. You can go for various jobs under this training. One can do  job in outside of India also.

Every companies needs an accountant that manage and maintains the financial and tax records of the companies. It enables the business to judge their success/failure and plan for the future. There are different positions available in this field.

Job profiles in accounting field is as follows:

Accounts Assistant
Accounts Clerk
Sr Accountant
Accounts manager
Financial Controllers
Financial Advisors
Chief Financial Officer
Chartered Management Accountant
Company Secretary

How much does an accountant make?

The salary in accounting field is based upon the position you are holding in the accounting and tax department. The accountants and auditors earns an average salary of 25k+ per month.

Join Accounting and Taxation Training Institute, provide practical training of gst, income tax, tally ERP 9, excel and accounting  

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